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French Adverbs: Meaning, Types with Examples and Exceptions

Arti Goyal
French adverbs featured image

French adverbs are essential in grammar and daily conversation as they modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, providing clarity, detail, and nuance. They specify how, when, where, and to what extent actions occur, enhancing communication precision. Commonly used adverbs like “bien” (well), “souvent” (often), and “très” (very) are crucial for expressing thoughts accurately and effectively.

What is the French Adverb?

A French adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, providing additional information about how, when, where, or to what extent something happens.


Adverbs can describe the manner of an action (e.g., “Il parle lentement” – “He speaks slowly”), the frequency (e.g., “Elle vient souvent” – “She often comes”), the time (e.g., “Nous partirons demain” – “We will leave tomorrow”), or the degree (e.g., “Il est très intelligent” – “He is very intelligent”).


  • Bien (well)
  • Souvent (often)
  • Rapidement (quickly)

Types of French Adverbs 

1. Adverbs of Frequency 

Adverbs of frequency are used to indicate how often an action occurs. They help provide clarity about the regularity or repetition of events, making communication more precise and informative.

Examples of Adverbs of Frequency

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
ToujoursAlwaysIl est toujours en retard.
SouventOftenNous allons souvent au cinéma.
ParfoisSometimesElle lit parfois des romans.
RarementRarelyIl va rarement à la plage.
JamaisNeverJe ne mens jamais.

2. Adverbs of Manner 

Adverbs of manner describe how an action is performed. They provide information on the way or style in which something happens, adding depth and detail to the description of actions in both spoken and written language.

Examples of Adverbs of Manner

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
LentementSlowlyElle marche lentement.
RapidementQuicklyIl court rapidement.
BienWellIl parle bien français.
MalBadlyElle chante mal.
DoucementGentlyIl ferme la porte doucement.

3. Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place indicate where an action occurs. They help to provide context and clarity about the location or direction of actions, making descriptions more precise and informative.

Examples of Adverbs of Place

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
IciHereViens ici.
ThereIl est là.
PartoutEverywhereJe te cherche partout.
AilleursElsewhereCherchons ailleurs.
DedansInsideIl est dedans.

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4. Adverbs of Quantity 

Adverbs of quantity express the amount or degree of an action, quality, or another adverb. They provide information on how much or to what extent something occurs, adding precision and detail to descriptions.

Examples of Adverbs of Quantity

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
BeaucoupA lot / MuchIl travaille beaucoup.
PeuLittleElle mange peu.
AssezEnoughElle a assez de temps.
ToutAll, veryElle est tout excitée.
TrèsVeryIl est très intelligent.

5. Adverbs of Time 

Adverbs of time indicate when an action occurs, providing information about the timing, duration, and frequency of events. They help situate actions within a temporal context, making communication more precise and clear.

Examples of Adverbs of Time

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
MaintenantNowIl est là maintenant.
HierYesterdayElle est venue hier.
DemainTomorrowNous partirons demain.
TôtEarlyElle se lève tôt.
TardLatel est rentré tard.

6. Comparative Adverbs 

Comparative adverbs are used to compare the manner, degree, or frequency of actions between two or more entities. They help to express differences or similarities, enhancing clarity and detail in comparisons.

Examples of Comparative Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
PlusMoreIl court plus vite que son frère.
MoinsLessElle parle moins fort que lui.
AussiAsIl travaille aussi dur que toi.
DavantageMoreIl étudie davantage cette année.
AutantAs muchElle lit autant que lui.

7. Evaluative Adverbs 

Evaluative adverbs are used to express the speaker’s opinion or judgment about an action, event, or situation. They provide an evaluative perspective, adding an emotional or subjective layer to the description.

Examples of Evaluative Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
CorrectementCorrectlyElle a répondu correctement aux questions.
MagnifiquementMagnificentlyElle a chanté magnifiquement.
TerriblementTerriblyIl a échoué terriblement.
GénialementBrilliantlyIl a résolu le problème génialement.

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8. Exclamative Adverbs

Exclamative adverbs are used to express strong emotions, surprise, intensity, or emphasis in a statement. They add dramatic effect and convey the speaker’s heightened feelings about an action, event, or situation.

Examples of Exclamative Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
Bien sûrOf courseBien sûr, je vais t’aider.
ÉvidemmentObviouslyÉvidemment, il va gagner
FormidableWonderfulFormidable, quelle nouvelle!
IncroyableIncredibleIncroyable, quelle histoire!

9. Interrogative Adverbs 

Interrogative adverbs are used to ask questions about time, place, manner, reason, and quantity. They help in gathering specific information by introducing questions that require more detailed responses.

Examples of Interrogative Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
QuandWhenQuand viendras-tu nous rendre visite?
WhereOù est la bibliothèque?
CommentHowComment ça va?
PourquoiWhyPourquoi pleures-tu?
CombienHow much / How manyCombien ça coûte?

10. Negative Adverbs

Negative adverbs are used to negate a statement or an action, indicating the non-existence or absence of something. They are crucial for expressing negative meanings, denials, or contradictions in sentences.

Examples of Negative Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
Ne… pasNotIl ne mange pas de viande.
Ne… jamaisNeverElle ne ment jamais.
Ne… plusNo longer / Any moreIl ne travaille plus ici.
Ne… rienNothingJe ne trouve rien.
Ne… aucunNo / NoneIl n’a aucun argent.

11. Pronominal Adverbs 

Pronominal adverbs are used to replace a preposition and its object, often referring back to a previously mentioned idea or thing. They streamline sentences and avoid repetition, making communication more efficient.

Examples of Pronominal Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
EnOf it / Of themIl a beaucoup mangé, mais il en veut encore.
YThere / To itJe vais y aller.

12. Superlative Adverbs 

Superlative adverbs are used to indicate the highest degree or extreme quality of an action in comparison to all others. They emphasize the utmost level or intensity, helping to express the maximum extent of an action or characteristic.

Examples of Superlative Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish TranslationExample
Le plusThe mostElle est la plus intelligente de sa classe.
Le moinsThe leastIl est le moins rapide de l’équipe.
Le mieuxThe bestC’est le mieux que j’aie jamais goûté.
Le pireThe worstC’est le pire film que j’aie jamais vu.

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Formation of French Adverbs

1. When the masculine adjective ends with a consonant or a silent -e

To form adverbs from adjectives in French, different rules apply depending on the ending of the masculine form of the adjective. Here’s how you form adverbs in the specified cases:

When the Masculine Adjective Ends with a Consonant

For adjectives ending in a consonant, follow these steps:

  • Take the feminine form of the adjective.
  • Add the suffix -ment to the feminine form.
  • Here are examples:
    • Heureux (happy):
      • Feminine form: heureuse
      • Adverb: heureusement (happily)
    • Franc (frank):
      • Feminine form: franche
      • Adverb: franchement (frankly)

When the Masculine Adjective Ends with a Silent -e

For adjectives ending with a silent -e, you:

  • Simply add the suffix -ment to the masculine form.
  • When the Masculine Adjective Ends with a Silent -e
  • Here are examples:
    • Vrai (true):
      • Adverb: vraiment (truly)
      • C’est vraiment intéressant. (It is truly interesting.)
  • Poli (polite):
    • Adverb: poliment* (politely) 
    • Il a répondu poliment. (He replied politely. 

Masculine adjective ending with a vowel → Add -ment to form the adverb.

Ex: vrai → vraiment, poli → poliment, absolu → absolument, joli → joliment

2. When the masculine adjective ends with a vowel

When forming adverbs from adjectives in French where the masculine adjective ends with a vowel, the process is straightforward. You directly add the suffix -ment to the masculine form of the adjective.


  • Vrai (true) → Vraiment(truly)
  • Poli (polite) → Poliment (politely)
  • Absolu (absolute) → Absolument(absolutely)
  • Joli (pretty) → Joliment (prettily)

3. When masculine adjectives end in -ant or -ent

When forming adverbs from adjectives in French where the masculine adjective ends in -ant or -ent, specific modifications are needed:

Adjectives Ending in -ant:

When forming adverbs from masculine adjectives ending in -ant, replace -ant with -amment.


  • Constant (constant) → “Constamment”(constantly)

  – Elle travaille constamment.(She works constantly.)

  •  Brillant(brilliant) → “Brillamment”(brilliantly)

  – Il a brillamment réussi son examen.(He brilliantly passed his exam.)

Adjectives Ending in -ent:

When forming adverbs from masculine adjectives ending in -ent, replace -ent with -emment.


  • Récent(recent) → Récemment(recently)

  Ils se sont mariés récemment.(They got married recently.)

  • Fréquent (frequent) → Fréquemment(frequently)

  Elle visite fréquemment ses grands-parents.(She frequently visits her grandparents.)

To form adverbs from adjectives ending in -ant, change the ending to -amment. For adjectives ending in -ent, change the ending to -emment.

Common French Adverbs

French AdverbEnglish Translation
devantin front of
enfinfinally; eventually
ensuitenext, then
là-basover there
là-dedansin here, in there
là-dessuson here; on there
largementgreatly; well
légèrementlightly; slightly
longtempsfor a long time

French Adverb Exceptions

Some French adverbs do not follow the typical rules of formation and are considered irregular. These adverbs often have unique forms and do not derive directly from adjectives. Here are some common examples of these exceptions:

AdverbEnglish TranslationAdjectiveEnglish TranslationExamples
BienWellBonGoodHe speaks French well.
MalBadlyMauvaisBadShe sings badly.
GentimentNicelyGentilKindThe children answered the question nicely/kindly.
BrièvementBrieflyBrefBriefHe spoke briefly about his trip.
BeaucoupA lot / Much(Not derived from an adjective)He works a lot.
PeuLittle(Not derived from an adjective)She eats little.
Vite / RapidementQuicklyRapideQuickHe runs quickly.


French adverbs play a crucial role in language and communication due to their versatility and significance. They modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs, providing clarity, detail, and nuance in expression. Adverbs convey manner, time, place, quantity, evaluation, and more, facilitating effective communication by adding depth and precision to sentences. The diverse range of French adverbs allows speakers to convey a wide array of meanings, emotions, and perspectives, enriching language and enhancing communication fluency.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Is tres a French adverb? 

Ans: Yes, “très” is a French adverb. It is commonly used to intensify adjectives or adverbs, indicating a high degree or extent. For example, “très heureux” means “very happy.”

2. Do French adverbs have gender? 

Ans: No, French adverbs do not have gender. Adverbs do not change form based on the gender of the noun they modify, unlike adjectives, which can have masculine and feminine forms. Adverbs remain invariant regardless of the gender of the subject or object.

3. Is parfois an adverb?

Ans: Yes, “parfois” is an adverb in French. It means “sometimes” in English and is used to indicate occasional or infrequent occurrences of an action or event.

4. Where are adverbs in French? 

Ans: In French, adverbs typically come after the verb they modify. However, their placement can vary depending on the type of adverb and the structure of the sentence. Adverbs of frequency, manner, time, and place often come after the conjugated verb in simple sentences. In compound tenses, they usually follow the past participle. Adverbs of quantity generally come before the adjectives or adverbs they modify.

Arti Goyal

Arti is a passionate French trainer with extensive experience in guiding students through DELF, TEF, and TCF exam preparation. Known for her engaging teaching methods, she combines a deep knowledge of the French language with an ability to make learning both effective and enjoyable. Arti focuses on practical communication skills, ensuring that her students not only succeed in their exams but also feel confident using French in everyday situations. Committed to her students’ growth, she fosters a learning environment where French becomes more than just a subject—it’s an enriching and lasting experience.

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